– our hope is that every member "Connect to Jesus & His Church, Grow in faith and understanding of God's Word, and Serve Jesus here & around the world."
The Mission:
1. To evangelize Indian communities of people and others in the United States and foreign countries (in cooperation with World Missions) and to plant churches in cooperation with the various District Councils of the Assemblies of God.
2. To provide spiritual renewal, especially to those who have fallen from the faith.
3. To organize national and regional conferences annually for the Fellowship.
4. To welcome incoming Indian speakers and others who are duly approved by their leadership.
5. To assist Indian newcomers in adjusting to the American way of life.
6. To train workers for the ministry of the Gospel.
7. To provide information about the Fellowship to all interested parties.
8. To build a bridge between the Indian communities and the churches I the U.S. and strategically partner with AG U.S. Mission